Crunch Time

Sheyna Evans Avatar

It’s two weeks before Ottawa Comic-con and we’re in the final crunch before the event. Ben is out in the shop every moment he can spare trying to get everything ready and get a few last pieces done. I’m inside pretending to be useful, or at the very least distracting the children from bugging their daddy. Of course our oldest wants lots of Daddy time and wants to be just like Dad when he grows up (they grow out of that right? jk). He has his own toolbelt and tools that he carries around and pretends to fix things (a.k.a. hammer them and put dents in my furniture or saw holes into fabric (anyone know how to reupholster some chairs?))

Anyway, Ben is working hard to get some last minute items done and we’re setting up the price list, the square app and making sure we have a plan for meals and downtime at the convention (not that there is a lot of downtime). We have wagons this year which will help us transport things into the convention, so that’s a plus and I’m super excited to show of the new business cards and logos for the convention – if only I could find where I put the stickers.

This is the first year, since we started doing the convention, that we are coming with a wide array of new pieces. With the designs from Seviyummy and the new ornaments that Ben has made we’re going to have a lot of new up on the wall and we honestly can’t wait to show it all off. From what we can see we’ll be in booths 2101-2103 as usual and we’re looking forward to seeing everyone at the show.

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Ben Evans

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